MIKE THEN SETS FIR ON RANBOW DOSH, AND SHE DIES.ĭA FORUTH WAN IS CALED FUK U AND IT STARTS OFF WITH EVIL PATRIXX SAYING FUCK YOU AND THEN IT CUTS TO AL MAKING OUT WITH MIKE LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUVE. BRIAN WILSON STARTS TRANGULATIN PINKY PY! THEN RANBO DOSH CUMS BACK FROM THE DEAD AND STARTS KIKING CARL IN DA BALS. THEN DEMMY STARTS SINGING WU TAN CLAN AIN NOTHIN TO FUK WIT. The third one is called "summon" and it starts with some playing a pino with hIS DIK. the second song is called "eeg" and it's reversed gee! The first song on the album is called "our satan" and it starts with brian wilso n saying a satan him! then someone stats showing a guitar up carl's butT! then we hear kurt cobin on the toulet and then a gunshot! then forendik laughs and then the song engs. above one of the members is the title "THE BEACH BOYS FROWN" in blue arial font.

first off, all da membvers has red eyes, and seem to be froewning. the album's cover (whih was leked on the ukran wepsite) shows the beach boys in one of ther publicity photos ,but it is different. The album was leaked on some ukranian website a year ago, and it popularity tok off. unlike smile, only brin wilson knows about this album, because everyone else in the beach bois had ther brains wiped.

Oky, so you're not going to believe this but there's a album by the EACH BOYS called frown, which is a sequel to smile. Here is this year's JL special for you to read along: Podcast 42 is Christopher De Voss - JL Tross - Laura De Voss - Sabrina Pierre This year we are featuring the stories: "MILF" - 8 Mile Lost Copy - BEACH BOIS HIDDEN ALBUM FROWN - Jeff the Potato - Today I start living! - 4 short Russian Themed Creepypastas - The Super Mario Massacre and Evil Patrixxx. It's our fourth annual Creepypasta Theater, where we take horror stories that are passed around the internet, and turn them into radio plays.